Saturday, August 26, 2006

Massachusetts DSS Out of Control

The Massachusetts Department of Social Services (DSS) Adoption and Foster Care division is overrun with committed GLBT activists and sympathizers who believe in their hearts that traditional families are paternalistic, sexist, "heterosexist", sexually oppressive, and generally mired in outworn Judeo-Christian morality.

What better way to hasten their utopian society than place as many children as they can get their hands on with "families" headed by GLBT same-sex couples? Who cares if heterosexual couples have played by the rules and waited years on end with no adoptive placement? (See our previous posting on a DSS-funded group home for "GLBTQ" children.)

Example: Recently two homosexual men, in whose house DSS had placed a little boy, were honored as "Parents of the Year" by DSS. The DSS apparently took the boy from his birth parents and extended family against their wishes. ("Newton couple honored as ’Parents of the Year’ by DSS", Daily News Tribune, August 9, 2006.) Interesting: one daddy is 43 years older than the child, the other daddy is 47 years older. So on top of the boy learning up close that sodomy is a good thing and a valid basis for "marriage", he is saddled with "parents" who are beyond the age that was recently standard for adoptive parents (where at least one was to be not more than 40 years older than the child).

He [Daddy #1] said the day after Christian’s adoption was finalized, DSS officials approached the couple about adopting a second child. Their families would like them to bring a little girl into their home, Bryant said.

"There are times at 3 a.m., I realize why most people have children in their 20s," said Bryant, 46. Sadick [50] said the couple simply wants to enjoy the time they spend with Christian right now, but will consider adopting an older child through DSS in the future. [emphasis added]

Well, there are lots of heterosexual couples in their 20s and 30s dying to adopt a little child. But they are routinely passed over.

The DSS is another Massachusetts institution gone awry. Adoption is just one area they've mucked up. Breaking up families is another of their specialities. Check out the interview with Atty. Greg Hession on the MassResistance radio show (August 12/13), and his web site for more DSS horror stories. From his web site:

... so many clients have endured outrageous mistreatment at the hands of DSS agents and victim-witness advocates. To accomplish their ends, they use false allegations, and exploit the fact that the court system has abandoned due process of law (which means our constitutionally protected procedural rights such as jury trials, opportunity to be heard promptly, the rules of evidence, innocent until proven guilty, etc.).

Those who commit these outrages know that the system is biased in their favor, and that they can count on help from judges, guardians ad litem, and therapists. Many of them have adopted an agenda which is anti-family, without understanding the problems it causes. Some are merely afraid to stand as a bulwark against tyranny. Either way, children and harmed, and families torn apart needlessly.

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