Friday, August 4, 2006

Background Checks on GLBT Activists Working with Teens?

By Massachusetts law, no adult may work with a child unless he's undergone a background check for past criminal offenses (the CORI check, for "Criminal Offender Record Information"). This is true for all school teachers, staff, administrators, bus drivers, and chaperones for school trips. Parents cannot even go on a school trip with their child unless they've gone through an official CORI check!

Ch. 385 of the Acts of 2002, Section 1 amends Sec. 6 of the Mass. General Laws as follows: "Sec. 172H : ... any entity or organization primarily engaged in providing activities or programs to children 18 years of age or less that accepts volunteers, shall obtain all available criminal offender record information from the criminal history systems board prior to accepting any person as a volunteer."

So MassResistance asks: Have all those adults working with our children through the GLBT activist programs focused on youth -- GLSEN, PFLAG, BAGLY, Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth members, etc., and volunteers attending their events -- complied with this CORI regulation? Was Bill Conley, member of the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, for instance, required to have a CORI check before he spent all that time with children participating in Youth Pride, most of whom were under 18? What about all those other volunteers at Youth Pride? GLSEN's annual conferences, PFLAG events, BAGLY meetings -- all involve many children under 18. Who is monitoring these staff and volunteers working unsupervised with vulnerable youth?

At a GLSEN conference we attended some years ago, we encountered young men in their 20s who were clearly cruising for young companions. It's not just what they're handing out at these conferences (e.g., the Little Black Book), it's who's attending and striking up acquaintances with the kids.

“We know that our detractors will continue to mischaracterize and misrepresent what we do and who we are,” says Haley [GLSEN Boston director, after admitting they handed out the Little Black Book to children]. “We have always had a screening process for all the materials [but what about the people?] that enter; we are redoubling our effort in that regard to be sure that all materials on table and elsewhere are age-appropriate.” Haley also notes that every workshop will be monitored for safety and age-appropriate content. Security [to keep out pro-family observers!] will also be on hand at the event. “We are doing everything we can possibly think of to create the safest most appropriate day of learning that we can,” Haley says. (See "Register for next GLSEN conference," Bay Windows, 4-20-06. And we may ask, WHY is Bay Windows encouraging its readers to register for the GLSEN conference???)

BAGLY's website (Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth) says, "All of our meetings are facilitated by young people 22 and under." It's the adult staff and miscellaneous volunteers we wonder about there. We know from his own writing that an extremist "gay" attack blogger and his "husband" chaperoned at the BAGLY queer/trans prom at Boston City Hall in 2005. (This man was on the credits for a gay porn film -- don't know if it was soft or hard... haven't seen it yet. Hey Buddy, send me a copy! -- Look for the "Boom Boom Boy" in Hooking Up.)

What about the "mentoring" opportunities" listed by the "Friends of the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth"?

The idea of the law is to protect the children of this state. Is it all just a sham? See
MGL, Ch. 28A, Sec. 1: "It is hereby declared to be the policy of the commonwealth to assure every child a fair and full opportunity to reach his full potential by providing and encouraging services which strengthen family life and support families in their essential function of nurture for a child’s physical, social, educational, moral, and spiritual development. Every child shall be entitled to the full protection of the commonwealth."

Who is defining "moral and spiritual development" for our children? Mr. Bill Conley?

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