Monday, June 20, 2005

What's Wrong with this "Wedding" Picture?

How can we help doing a second take when the Boston Sunday Globe heading is "Brides" and "Weddings" (p. H56, June 19, 2005). ... And there, among the 17 photos of bride/groom couples, we see the "wedding" photo of Charles a Frates III and Francis Fornaro? It would have been helpful if their paragraph had informed us which of them is the "bride". Maybe they're both "brides"? (Or maybe the Globe made an error? -- impossible!)

One of the brides, "Rev." Francis Fornaro, is priest and rector at St. Paul's Church in Bedford. Both brides have connections to Lexington (where they live) and Bedford, where the Rev. Fornaro ministers to his flock. Think of the fun they must be having in Lexington, piling on David Parker. And we have no doubt they helped hand out pink triangles at the "diversity vigil" a few weeks back in Bedford. Here is their "wedding" notice:

Charles A. Frates III and the Rev. Francis Fornaro were married at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Bedford. Frates is the son of Frances Frates of New Bedford and the late Charles Frates Jr. Retired after 36 years as a teacher and special education administrator in the Boston Public Schools, he is on the faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Orleans and the Dance Inn in Lexington. Rev. Fornaro, formerly a teacher and principal in the Boston Public Schools, is priest and rector at St. Paul's Church. He is the son of Grace and the late Sam Fornaro of Roxbury. The couple live in Lexington and Orleans.

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