Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Mother Lost Two Sons to "Gay" Lifestyle

Remember this is "Gay" Pride Week in Boston. One of the special events is a display of the "AIDS Memorial Quilt" at Quincy Market. The quilt is composed of 45,000 panels and includes the names of 82,000 people who died of AIDS (19% of the total nationwide).

A very sad story in the Boston Herald ("Quilt makes big impression for mom who lost both sons", June 5), briefly (and confusingly) profiles a mother who lost two sons to the "gay" lifestyle. How can this story be part of a celebratory "pride week"? There seems to be some disconnect...

The woman found out one of her sons was "gay" when he told her at age 15. He committed suicide at 27 in a Florida hotel room, 19 years ago. Her younger son, also "gay", died of AIDS 17 years ago.

The story says she still has trouble accepting these deaths. She said, "You don't know what you've lost until it's gone.... I hear the way some parents talk to their children, and I feel like telling them, 'Love them. No matter what, just love them, because tomorrow, they could be gone.' "

In light of her sons' needless and tragic deaths in the "gay" lifestyle, how can the article push us to celebrate "gay pride"? Should we be celebrating the lie that tells us that "gay" life is gay, that homosexual sex is safe and OK?

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