Saturday, June 11, 2005

Pink Triangles and Police Lists in Bedford

The Phelps "God-hates-America" crew from Kansas came to Bedford last week (to protest the rainbow flag in the middle school). That's the anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, anti-anyone-who-hasn't-yet-recognized-God's-grace hate group. Oh, by the way, the Phelps people don't approve of homosexuality either.

Those who don't think clearly, i.e. homosexual activists and their fellow travelers, use this latter element -- the Phelps disapproval of homosexuality -- to try to connect them with anyone who disapproves of homosexuality, or same-sex "marriage". Well, it doesn't wash.

One group of Bedford clergy tried to make it look like they spoke for all churches in town (when of course they didn't). They led a "diversity vigil" on the town common Monday night. Two hundred participants (including young children) smugly marched around, pumped up by their spiritual pride. The Bedford Minuteman played along, and spoke of of the "voice of unity" at this demonstration:

"A handful of anti-gay protesters from Kansas succeeded in galvanizing opposition on Bedford's Town Common Monday night as several hundred residents gathered at the stairs of First Parish [Unitarian] on the Common to hear the voice of unity.

" 'We are here to say that today is also a day that we may confirm the power of love that will not allow hate to grow,' the Rev. John Gibbons said from the steps of his church.

"He was joined by many members of Bedford's religious communities, including additional members from First Parish, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, First Church of Christ, Congregational, First Baptist Church and Burlington's Temple Shalom Emeth."

(The Catholic and Lutheran churches did not participate, as they do not support homosexual extremism and the coercive indoctrination of Bedford schoolchildren.)

The extremist demonstrators wrapped themselves in rainbow flags and wore pink triangles imprinted with "No Place for Hate". Their message, in other words: If you don't agree that homosexuality if fine, normal, and beautiful, and that same-sex "marriage" is a blessing from God, YOU ARE A HATER!

"We in this town will not let voices of division prevail," said one minister. Another praised the town's teachers and school administrators (who fly rainbow flags and propose middle school cross-dressing days) for "ensuring safety for the student population." A few days earlier, the Bedford Selectmen had adopted a "Unity Statement", which says "[W]e maintain a zero-tolerance policy of any and all forms of hate speech and hate crimes."

How convenient that they don't bother to define "hate speech and hate crimes." If a parent objects to the rainbow flag at the middle school, is that "hate speech"? If a citizen questions the "Day of Silence" at the high school, is that a "voice of division" which must be stomped out?

Apparently, the police agree with the minister who's worried "hate" might "grow" in town. We hear they are keeping a list of citizens who MIGHT be haters.

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