Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Laramie Project" in Acton-Boxborough Connects Kids to Dangerous Depravity

These images are on the "Friends" page of the Massachusetts Youth Pride Committee MySpace. This is where Acton & Boxborough parents supporting the high school play, "The Laramie Project," are sending their kids -- knowingly or not.

The first two images come from a "friend" called "Unwanted" -- who in turn sends kids on to a "friend" called "Professor Hackinshlash" whose profile states: "Female, 26, New Bedford. I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave."

Another typical "friend" on Mass. Youth Pride MySpace is "Syphillis", a drag queen who writes:
About me: What happened? Well a lot happened prior to the coming of Syphillis. There were a lot of drugs, a lot of sex, a lot of disease and yes, even a couple of unsuccessful drag attempts. I was once a club kid called "Bubbavicious" and I was a drag queen for a night by the name of Vagina Walls. In 1997 [we...] were bored and higher than f**king kites and decided to go to a new club called Trannyshack...."

(For more information on Mass. Youth Pride, see MassResistance's report on the 2007 event.)

"The Laramie Project" encourages kids to check out their gay club Common Ground ("GSA"), the and Matthew's Place sites, and local "GLBT youth groups" including GLSEN Boston, Greater Boston PFLAG, BAGLY, and Mass. Youth Pride. All of these run events and conferences with unknown adult homosexuals and "transgenders" mingling with and "instructing" kids. Note that GLSEN Boston's MySpace friends include Transcending Boundaries (promoting transgenderism, sadomasochism, polyamory), and connects kids with the adults at Boston Pride. (Until recently, GLSEN Boston's MySpace included a friend called "Rev. Cockvomit" which posted hideous pornographic and Satanic images.)

So -- those 400+ parents who supposedly signed a petition to support the "Laramie Project" play know all about this? And still want their kids exposed? Shame on them.

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