Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Democrat Presidential Candidates Without Moral Grounding

They've proven it by their comments on teaching homosexual coupling to 2nd-graders. The top Democrat candidates for President all think that anal intercourse is a valid basis for "marriage" and if you disagree, you're fearful and hateful. Though this story is a few weeks old (the debate took place on Sept. 27), it shouldn't be overlooked.

The appropriateness of reading the story book King & King to 2nd-graders (as done in a Lexington, Mass. school, at the heart of the Parker lawsuit) was the subject of a question to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards. None of them objected to the youngest minds absorbing the idea that sodomy was a valid foundation for "marriage". John Edwards' response may be the most amazing. He basically said it's not his business to instruct his children regarding right and wrong!!!

Nothing makes more clear than these responses how dangerous it is to accept "civil unions" -- the slippery slope -- because once you go there, how do you say NO to a fairy tale about two princes kissing and marrying? All three of these Dem candidates say they're for "civil unions" but against homosexual "marriage" -- yet they all accept the use of the "fairy tale" King and King!

Allison King [NECN]: The issues surrounding gay rights have been hotly debated here in New England. For example, last year some parents of second-graders in Lexington, Massachusetts, were outraged to learn their children's teacher had read a story about same-sex marriage, about a prince who marries another prince. Same-sex marriage is legal in Massachusetts [sic - no it's NOT legal] but most of you oppose it. Would you be comfortable having this story read to your children as part of their school curriculum? I'm going to start with Senator Edwards.

JOHN EDWARDS: Yes, absolutely. What I want is I want my children to understand everything about the difficulties that gay and lesbian couples are faced with every day, the discrimination that they're faced with every single day of their lives. And I suspect my two younger children, Emma Claire, who's 9, and Jack, who's 7, will reach the same conclusion that my daughter Cate, who's 25, has reached, which is she doesn't understand why her dad is not in favor of same-sex marriage. And she says her generation will be the generation that brings about the great change in America on that issue.
So I don't want to make that decision on behalf of my children. I want my children to be able to make that decision on behalf of themselves, and I want them to be exposed to all the information, even in – did you say second grade? Second grade might be a little tough, but even in second grade to be exposed to all ...

KING: Well, that's the point. It is second grade.

EDWARDS: ... those possibilities, because I don't want to impose my view. Nobody made me God. I don't get to decide on behalf of my family or my children, as my wife, Elizabeth, has spoken her own mind on this issue. I don't get to impose on them what it is that I believe is right.

BARACK OBAMA: You know, I feel [sic; no thought, just feeling] very similar to John.... One of the things I want to communicate to my children is not to be afraid of people who are different ... And one of the things I think the next president has to do is to stop fanning people's fears. If we spend all our time feeding the American people fear and conflict and division, then they become fearful and conflicted and divided. And if we feed them hope and we feed them reason and tolerance, then they will become tolerant and reasonable and hopeful.

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I really respect what both John and Barack said.... With respect to your individual children, that is such a matter of parental discretion, I think that obviously it is better to try to work with your children, to help your children understand the many differences that are in the world and to really respect other people and the choices that other people make. [Is she saying homosexuality is a choice?!] ... So I think that this issue of gays and lesbians and their rights will remain an important one in our country. And I hope that – tomorrow we're going to vote on the hate crimes bill, and I'm sure that those of us in the Senate will be there to vote for it. We haven't been able to get it passed, and it is an important measure to send a message that we stand against hatred and divisiveness.

The full transcript of the debate on King and King is available here.

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