Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Romney & His Dad

Lost in the coverage of Romney's announcement on the 13th that he's running for President is this telling contrast between him and his father, George Romney (who ran in 1968).

The Boston Globe's print edition showed a photo of the New York Times story on George Romney's declaration. Part of the headline: "APPEALS FOR MORALITY"

The Globe juxtaposes these quotes from father and son to emphasize their similarity. But we noticed that George refered to God, Mitt doesn't. Maybe that's why Mitt never appeals to "morality" in any of his pronouncements, whether on abortion or homosexuality. For example, his only defense of marriage as one man and one woman is that "every child needs a father and a mother." From the Globe ("Romney to kick off race in Mich.", 2-13-07):

Here's George Romney in his 1967 announcement speech: "We must recognize that the root source of America's strength is the divinely endowed freedom of its people."

And here's Mitt Romney in a speech to a Republican Governors Association conference two months ago: "If you believe that, as I do, that our source of strength is our people, then when America faces a new generation of challenges like we do today, you don't look to government. . . . You look to make the people stronger, because that has always been and will always be the source of our destiny."

But while George Romney was proud to call himself a moderate, Mitt Romney is running as a conservative.

A "conservative" who doesn't mention God or morality.

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