Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Polygamy & BDSM Advocate Behind Anti-Bullying Programs in Schools

Valerie White of Sharon, MA
Polyamory/polygamy advocate, founder of "UU's for Polyamory Awareness"
Legal defender of sadomasochists
Advocate for "anti-bullying" programs in schools
Who's really behind the "anti-bullying" agenda in the schools? (MassResistance has spotlighted this issue before.) It's the radical homosexual movement and its allies among the "transgenders", polyamorists/would-be polygamists, and "alternative sexuality" crowd (including the sado-masochists). It's their latest propaganda ploy: using kids' normal cruelty to one another as an entree for their message about accepting everyone --no matter how they're different.

Don't believe it? Have a look at the person behind an innocuous sounding letter published in the Boston Globe (2-2-07): "Bullying infects the school setting," by one Valerie White of Sharon, Massachusetts. And you can be sure the editors at the Boston Globe know exactly who Valerie White is....

Valerie White (see her web site) is an activist for "alternative sexual expression" -- including polygamy, polyamory, and BDSM (torture, sadomasochism, dangerous sexual perversions, etc.). She's a board member of the Unitarian pro-polyamory group called "Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness," and an ordained "Humanist" minister. (Now recall that the Unitarians have been a huge prime mover for "homosexual marriage." Their national headquarters building is immediately adjacent to the Mass. State House; how convenient!)

White has set up a legal foundation to defend practitioners of "alternative sexual expression," including BDSM, the Sexual Freedom Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. (See "BDSM & the law" web posting):

People who practice alternative sexual expression can sometimes find themselves in trouble. Like the 'Paddleboro' defendants in Massachusetts, they may be charged with crimes under archaic laws. They may face the loss of custody of their children. The Sexual Freedom Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. has been established to help people who find themselves in this kind of trouble.... The agency has applied for 501c3 status as a tax exempt organization. "We want to focus on alternative sexual expression among consenting adults, like polyamory, swinging, BDSM, fetishism and so forth" White says. "GLBT folks already have a great resource in the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund."

1. Valerie White: Polyamory 101
Limited to participants who are 18 and older. What is "polyamory" anyway? Don't people get jealous? Isn't polyamory just a fancy word for good old-fashioned cheating? How is it different from swinging? Is polyamory the same thing as polygamy? Is it safe to be "out" as polyamorous? What about the kids? How did this movement get started? How is it different from the "free love" of the sixties? How can people find out if this lovestyle is for them? Participants at all levels are welcome.

2. NELA (New England Leather Alliance) Representative Vivienne Kramer and Valerie White: Legal Issues and Being Kinky: Oil and Water!
Limited to participants who are 18 and older. How can you express kinky sexuality without encountering law enforcement? What should you do if you are questioned by police about what you do in the bedroom? This workshop will identify varieties of kinky sex and provide some clear guidelines to help you stay out of trouble. It will answer your questions about the current state of the law in the areas of a variety of alt.sex communities, sex toys, BDSM, sodomy, and assault as well as what’s on the horizon nationally.

In an article in Weekly Standard, Stanley Kurtz quoted White as a prominent advocate for polyamory and polygamy. (See "Here Come the Brides: Plural marriage is waiting in the wings," 12-26-05):
Valerie White,... founder of the [Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness (UUPA)] let Bi Magazine know in 2003 that UUPA planned to keep its quest for recognition on temporary hold: "It
put too much ammunition in the hands of the opponents of gay marriage.... Our brothers and sisters in the LGBT community are fighting a battle that they're close to winning, and we don't want to do anything that would cause that fight to take a step backwards." In short, the Unitarians are holding the polyamorists at arm's length only until gay marriage has been safely legalized across the nation. At that point, the Unitarian campaign for state-recognized polyamorous marriage will almost certainly begin.

White's web site brags: "Valerie has spoken on polyamory and on sexual freedom and the law at True Colors, Transcending Boundaries, PolyCampCon, Poly Pride New York, Unitarian Universalist General Assembly, Boston Area Sex and Spirituality Network, PolyLiving, Loving More East Coast, the Bedford Lyceum and Building Bridges. She has had articles on polyamory published in 'The Humanist' and 'Loving More' magazines."

Her "Sexual Freedom Legal Defense & Education Fund" links to these groups:
Alternatives to Marriage Project; BDSM and the Law; International Lifestyle Association (for swingers); Kink Aware Professionals; Loving More magazine; National Association of Swing Clubs; National Leather Association; National Coalition for Sexual Freedom; New England Leather Alliance; Pagan Sex Cult; Polyamory Awareness and Acceptance; The Institute for 21st Century Relationships; Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness; Woodhull Freedom Foundation.

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