Sunday, December 31, 2006

Romney Losing Key Michigan Supporters

David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Service reported on Friday (and the Boston Globe repeated today) that Mitt Romney is losing key supporters in Michigan. While the report credits the infamous 1994 letter from Romney to the Mass. Log Cabin Republicans with great impact, no mention is made of the further detail provided by our "Mitt Romney Deception" report. But we know that it, too, has made a difference there.

We've spoken with and emailed a key Republican in Michigan who was disturbed not only by the revelations in the 1994 letter, but also by Romney's record as Governor, especially his failure to stand up to judicial tyranny in Massachusetts. He failed to defy our court's illegitimate homosexual "marriage" ruling, he appointed a homosexual activists and many Democrats to judgeships, and he's refusing to fill judicial openings before leaving office (leaving these openings to an extreme leftist incoming governor to fill). All very disturbing to a committed pro-life, pro-family Republican activist in Michigan.

Brody wrote:
CBN News has been talking to operatives in the state of Michigan and the news is not good for Governor Romney. I've learned that there are at least four Republican Representatives from the Michigan State House that are seriously rethinking their support of Romney for President.

These are members of Romney's steering committee in Michigan who are now having reservations about recent revelations about Romney's past comments in regards to marriage, abortion and the Boy Scouts. There's a good chance that they could jump ship....

... the representatives who may leave Romney are really questioning the legitimacy of his conservative credentials. Romney has always said he has evolved on these issues over the years, but these folks in Michigan think it's okay to evolve, but some of this seems to be major flip flop material, especially on the life issue where they point out how he's gone from pro-choice in 1994, to pro-life in 2000, to pro-choice in 2002 and now back to pro-life.

Romney's office will dispute this, but what they can't dispute is a potential unraveling among their steering committee in Michigan. Michigan is crucial to Romney. He has significant family roots there and it's one of the first four primary states. He needs to do well there....

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