Saturday, December 9, 2006

More on Mitt Romney's Pro-Homosexual Past

"Let all the evil that lurks in the mud hatch out." (- I, Claudius, by Robert Graves -- and our favorite Masterpiece Theater production of all time.)

Bay Windows, Boston's GLBTQIP newspaper, has answered MassResistance's report on Gov. Mitt Romney's liberal "principles" by digging up even more pro-homosexual quotes from their 1994 interview with him (during his run for Senate vs. Ted Kennedy). So not only have we started a national conversation among Republicans, we've drawn out more infected slime from the other side, which feels he promised them more than he delivered. (Not surprising, all the media who've been led to this topic by our research, disseminated to millions across the country just before Thanksgiving, studiously avoid mentioning MassResistance as the instigator of this discussion!)

Check out these great new resources in this week's Bay Windows:
Romney is a big fat liar (12-6-06)
Mitt's secret gay history II (12-6-06)
Follow that trail (12-6-06)
Romney: I'll be better than Ted for gay rights (original August 1994 interview)
Mitt Romney's secret gay history! (3-3-05)

Excerpts from the Bay Windows articles:

["Romney is a big fat liar":]
The fact that there’s intense interest in a letter Mitt Romney wrote to the Massachusetts Log Cabin Club 12 years ago in which he pledged to be a more ardent advocate for gay rights than U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy isn’t a surprise. Romney is an all-but-declared candidate for president who’s staked his candidacy on social conservatism. Any hint of hypocrisy on Romney’s part with regard to LGBT issues is of great use for political reporters, GOP primary opponents and LGBT activists alike. What is surprising, though, is the depth of Romney’s hypocrisy. ...

Romney also stated his opposition to Republican stalwart Sen. Jesse Helms’s attempt in 1994 to pass an amendment to an education bill that would have prevented the portrayal of homosexuality as “a positive lifestyle alternative,” calling it “a dangerous precedent.” “I would have opposed that. It also grossly misunderstands the gay community by insinuating that there’s an attempt to proselytize a gay lifestyle on the part of the gay community. I think it’s wrong-headed and unfortunate and hurts the party by being identified with the Republican Party.” This from a man who now complains about the reading of gay-themed books like King and King in the classroom.

["Mitt's secret gay history II":]
On who he aligns himself with in the GOP: “Well probably more like Bill Weld. It’s hard for me to align them person by person but I think Bill Weld comes as close as anyone. … I think Bill Weld’s fiscal conservatism, his focus on creating jobs and employment and his efforts to fight discrimination and assure civil rights for all is a model that I identify with and aspire to.” ...

On whether he supported the civil marriage rights of same-sex couples: “I line up with Gov. Weld on that, and it’s a state issue as you know — the authorization of marriage on a same-sex basis falls under state jurisdiction. My understanding is that he has looked at the issue and concluded that certain benefits and privileges should be offered to gay couples. But he does not feel at this time that he wishes to extend legalized marriage on a same-sex basis, and I support his position.” [Note by MR: Of course, Weld has since come out in favor of sodomy "marriage".]

On whether he’d want more studies done on the marriage issue: “That will occur at the state level. I’ll let the governor in Massachusetts, and the governors of others states, as well, study it, evaluate it, discuss the alternatives with psychologists and social workers and health care specialist and so forth to gather information and consider it in a very reasoned way. I have confidence the governor will take the right action.”

On whether he supported the repeal of archaic sex laws: “I’m not sure which ones each of those are, but I don’t think it makes sense to have laws on the books that are not enforced and that only hang over people as possible threats, and so again it’s a state-by-state decision and I wouldn’t want to impose on a federal level what each state does on their laws, but I think it’s a mistake for us to leave laws that are not enforced.”

On whether he’d support condom distribution in schools: “Here again you’ll hear me saying the same thing on a number of issues, there are choices I think should be made at the state and local level that I don’t like the federal government getting into. I like important moral decisions being made closest to where people live, at the state and local level. So if the community feels that condom distribution is a helpful thing, then that community should be able to do that.

On why the gay community should support Romney over Kennedy, given Kennedy’s record of supporting both civil rights and the gay community: “There’s something to be said for having a Republican who supports civil rights in this broader context, including sexual orientation. ... I think the gay community needs more support from the Republican Party and I would be a voice in the Republican Party to foster anti-discrimination efforts."

["Follow that trail":]
Brad Luna, HRC’s director of media relations, isn’t surprised at the interest in the Log Cabin letter [wherein Romney promises to be better than Teddy on gay rights]. “It really brings to light what the GLBT community has known about Mitt Romney for years. He’s more than willing to use the GLBT community for political gain and has very readily bashed GLBT people to impress and ingratiate himself with the right wing of his party,” he observes. “How can you run for Senate in 1994 and send a letter saying that you’ll be better than Ted Kennedy on GLBT issues and then make it a cornerstone of your exploration into the ‘08 presidential campaign … to be the lead voice right now on bashing GLBT people and our rights?” Luna says. “I think it just is really going to spotlight that Mitt Romney will do or say anything to get elected.”

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