Thursday, April 14, 2005

Bedford Middle School Planned Cross-Dressing Day for April 13!

Thank God parents have waked up! Several alert mothers in Bedford recently got wind of a strange event planned at the middle school, set to coincide with the "Day of Silence" at the high school on April 13. A poster appeared all over the middle school, announcing School Spirit Week, and on Wednesday, it was set to be:

Boy/Girl Day (Dress the opposite of what you are)

If "Bedford Middle School" rings a bell, that's because it's the school that's flying a rainbow flag in the hallways alongside national flags. The school administration has refused to take it down, despite community outrage, and (not unexpectedly) the Mass. Department of Education said the school was not in violation of the Parental Notification Act.

You see, homosexuality and its promotion has nothing to do with "human sexuality" issues, according to the gay activists (that includes the Mass. Department of Education)!

Well, this time, parents complained to the Bedford Middle School principal, and they won! He decided to cancel the cross-dressing day, and quietly had students run around the school and change the poster to read that Wednesday would be "Sports Day" instead.

Here is the full text of the poster as it originally appeared:

School Spirit Week is the week
of Monday April the 11th!! The
Schedule is as follows!!!
Monday -- Wacky Hair Day
Tuesday -- Twin Day
Wednesday -- Boy/Girl Day (Dress
the opposite of what you are)
Thursday -- Dress like one of your teachers
Friday -- Bedford Spirit
Remember to dress up because
the advisor with the most
costumes wins an ice cream
An aside: Bedford real estate values continue to rise astronomically. Maybe it's one of the new gay/lesbian "magnet" towns? And we all know that, contrary to myth, the GLBT community does enjoy full civil rights. As a group, they do incredibly well professionally and financially in our society! (Unfortunately, they tend to anger their neighbors when they assert control over our schools, and recruit our children into their "lifestyle".)

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