Saturday, April 9, 2005

"Gay" Bay Windows' Vile Attack on the Pope

WHO CONTROLS THE STATE HOUSE? Is it the radical homosexuals who write, publish, and read the GLBT paper Bay Windows? The current State House leadership certainly seems to have swallowed all their propaganda and twisted goals for our society.

We wonder how our legislators -- many who identify themselves as Catholic -- will react to the most recent issue of Bay Windows with its articles on "The Pope's penis" ... "The Pope's homophobia" ... and "Gay" Catholics' issues with the Pope?


On April 7, as the Pope was being laid to rest, an unbelievably vile and filthy attack on the Pope and the Church appeared on the front page of Bay Windows. Read these excerpts. Let our legislators know that they must reject this attack on all of us who hold to Biblical moral standards! Ban these people and their destructive influence from the State House!

Three articles from Bay Windows, April 7, 2005 [excerpts]:

[1] Requiem for the pope's penis: How did the pope reconcile his oppression of human sexuality with the reality of his own body?

Some people, particularly Catholic conservatives, would argue that he has simply carried on one of the church's longest standing traditions: the elevation of the spiritual over the corporal, the needs of the soul over the needs of the body. But this is not true. There is a very long, vibrant erotic tradition within Catholicism....

[2] The Holy Father's Homophobia: Media coverage of the Pope's death ignored the issue

The pope hated gays. In his sermons and writings, and in Vatican papers expressly approved by him, John Paul II declared that same-sex relationships were "rooted in an ideology of evil." He described political support for the rights of lesbians and gays to adopt children as "gravely immoral." He said that permitting children to be raised by same-sex couples "would actually mean doing violence to these children." He told Catholics, and everyone else who was listening, that homosexuality was "an intrinsic moral evil." He warned that when lawmakers bestow rights on gay and lesbian people "neither the church nor society at large should be surprised when other distorted notions and practices gain ground, and irrational and violent reactions increase." And while many believe his anti-gay statements were related to marriage and children, John Paul took decisive action in the first half of his Papacy against anything that could be interpreted as extending sympathy or empathy toward gay people. In a 1986 pastoral letter on the "care of homosexual persons," he told bishops to guard against the "deceitful propaganda" of LGBT people. That letter resulted in the gay Catholic group Dignity being banned from meeting in Catholic Churches....

[3] Gay Catholics react to Pope John Paul II's legacy

Reflections from gay Catholics on the death of Pope John Paul II offered a range of perspectives on the pontiff's 26 years as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. There was acknowledgment of his ability to reach out to different faiths, respect for his role in the fall of communism and praise for his focus on social justice causes. But the common thread that ran through our interviews was a sense of disappointment at the opportunity the pope missed to build a relationship with the GLBT community. His legacy of anti-gay rhetoric and policy has driven many people to leave the church....

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