Tuesday, February 1, 2005

PRESIDENT Romney?? Not unless he repents on same-sex "marriage"!!

Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has his sights set on the Presidency. The Boston Globe reports that a PAC (political action committee) supporting a Romney run for President in 2008 is pumping money into key battleground states. Doesn't Romney understand from the 2004 election that the rest of the country won't stand for waffling--or worse, capitulation--on the issue of same-sex "marriage"???

Well, his PAC had better talk to Article 8 Alliance here in Massachusetts. They have exposed his double-dealing on the issue of same-sex "marriage". Romney has tried to present himself as its opponent (in his Wall Street Journal editorial and speech at the Republican convention). But we in Massachusetts know better!

As Chief Executive, Romney could have stopped same-sex "marriage". But he spinelessly went along with the dictate of our Supreme Judicial Court, revealing a total lack of respect for our Constitution and the separation of powers! He ordered the Department of Public Health to proceed with the bureaucratic support for these travesty "marriages". THANKS TO ROMNEY, our marriage licenses now read "Party A and Party B", instead of "husband and wife". He told our Justices of the Peace that they must perform such weddings, or resign their posts. (And a few of them did resign.)

Romney has also continued to support the radical homosexual agenda in our public schools, by funding the so-called "gay-straight alliance" clubs in our high schools (which are nothing more than brainwashing and recruitment centers into this unhealthy, dangerous "lifestyle"). In May 2004, Romney issued a proclamation celebrating the Gay Youth Pride Day in Boston (just two days before the same-sex "marriage" circus began). Our young teenagers proceeded from a parade to a "Gay Prom" at Boston City Hall Plaza, where kids as young as 12 and 13 were allowed to mingle with cruising homosexual adults up to the age of 25. Governor Romney thinks this is worth celebrating!

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