Sunday, February 6, 2005

The Power of Ex-Gays' Testimonies

I met Stephen Bennett and his wife Irene a few nights ago. How moving to hear an ex-gay's testimony -- and no wonder the radical homosexuals are pretending they don't exist! Stephen was in Newton to do a local cable TV interview, hoping to provide a little balance to the craziness afoot in the Newton public schools. [See "Promoting Perversion at a Massachusetts High School" below, and the WorldNetDaily article.]

Stephen's heartfelt songs about the joy of his (real) marriage and his two young children really hit hard, in light of the evil farce of "same-sex marriage". What pain he & his wife must feel watching this spectacle unfold, after he found the truth, and "became the man God intended him to be."

From his song, "The Rock":

Caught up in the life, I just could not break free;

They told me I was born that way.

But deep inside my heart, I knew that they were wrong;

I never believed just what they said.

For years I lived a deep, dark secret life, filled with pain.

And then one day His Word confronted me--

And showed me they were all so wrong. ..."

Check out his website.

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