Friday, May 21, 2010

Elena Kagan: Open Advocate for Radical GLBT Causes at Harvard

Another gem from the Harvard Crimson archives: Obama's latest Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, participated in a "milestone" event in September 2003. As the new Dean of the Harvard Law School, she attended the school's first GLBT alumni reunion dinner. (Note the inclusion of "transgender" -- even in 2003.) Kagan is an alumna of HLS, Class of 1986.

Her presence at the least shows that as Dean she believed in the validity of homosexual and transgender identity-group demands, which these GLBT alumni push within the legal profession and judicial system, promoting their sexual radical goals. 

The Harvard Crimson described the event:
Celebratory at times, solemn at others, alumni and current students marked the anniversary Saturday with anecdotes about the personal challenges they faced, the battle they continue to fight to keep military recruiters off campus and the need for classroom instruction in legal issues pertaining to homosexuality. 

During the second discussion, titled "Lambda Today: Current Issues and Challenges Facing GLBT Students at HLS," a student panel expressed their dissatisfaction with the efforts that the faculty and administration are making to address issues facing GLBT students. They highlighted the University’s decision to continue to allow military recruiters on campus, even though their presence violates Harvard’s non-discrimination policy... 
As the reunion’s final event, a dinner held at the Hyatt Regency hotel, HLS Dean Elena Kagan renewed her commitment to improving student life for all students on campus ... 

[“HLS Holds Nation’s First Ever GLBT Reunion,” 9-22-03.]
Within a month, Kagan was agreeing with the demand made by the GLBT radical students at that reunion: banning military recruiters on campus. 
In October 2003, Kagan appeared at a conference held by Lambda, the GLBT group at the Law School. The Harvard Law Record reported:
. . . much of what Kagan said was a recital of her personal abhorrence for the military discriminatory policy. She said, "I am committed to working with Lambda and others . . . on making progress for the elimination of" discriminatory policies in the military. . .
Kagan's public statement was in fact her welcoming remarks for the two-day Lambda conference, titled: "Solomon's Minefield: Military Discrimination after Lawrence and the Coming Fight over Forced On-Campus Recruiting."

Some years later (in September 2008), she was a major participant at the 25th reunion of the Harvard Gay and Lesbian Caucus, titled “A Celebration of LGBT Life at Harvard."

She was Moderator for their panel discussion on "The State of the Law: Reflections on the Past Twenty-Five Years and Thoughts about the Future -- A discussion of LGBT legal developments and trends by leading legal scholars." Also in that panel discussion was recent Obama appointee (and noted lesbian activist) Chai Feldblum.
HGLC Home Logo
Organizing, Serving, and Defending the Harvard Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community
The HGLC group’s banner says it’s dedicated to “Organizing, Serving, and Advocating for the Harvard Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community” -- which is exactly what Kagan was doing when she appeared at their 25th anniversary function. She is an open advocate for a highly controversial and radical cause. 
For more on why it matters whether Kagan may herself be a lesbian – or even just committed to the sexual radical causes -- see J. Matt Barber, “Kagan a lesbian? Why it matters” (WorldNetDaily, 5-20-10).

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