Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Romney Stories That Make You Go "Hmm..."

Hmm ... we were about to post this, then decided to take a little detour to Michigan. Now back home, we find that Romney's campaign staff has written yet another letter, supposedly from the Mass. Family Institute president, Kris Mineau, calling us names. Hmm ... Romney's paid staff -- apparently including Mass. Family Institute -- weren't too pleased with our trip! (They're just like leftists, aren't they? Since they can't shoot down the facts, they call us names. More on that soon. But for now ...) here's what we were about to post on Saturday before we took our trip.

From RedState.com:

Romney in Seven Words (1-11-08)
On Wednesday, after his loss in the New Hampshire primary, Gov. Mitt Romney returned to Boston to lick his wounds and conduct a telephone fundraiser before heading off to his next must win state of Michigan. ABC Radio microphones were there ... "Hit the phones today make all the promises you have to, and…make sure that we get the funds that we need to keep on propelling this campaign forward with power and energy." [emphasis added]

On the very weird goings-on in Wyoming, here's from Wyoming Star-Tribune:

Some question Romney 'victory' (1-8-08)
The results of Republican nonbinding straw polls in some Wyoming counties Saturday don't jibe with the
statewide delegate selection results in favor of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. In Johnson County , for example, former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee came in first in the straw poll, while Romney was in fourth place.... Johnson County Republicans who contacted the Star-Tribune ... questioned why statewide straw poll results had not been publicized....
Of the 12 delegates selected statewide Saturday, Romney won eight, Thompson three, and Duncan Hunter one. Tom Sansonetti of Cheyenne, who coordinated the county conventions, said Monday there was no mandatory poll. "There was no statewide organized straw poll. Each county was given the option of holding a straw poll if they wanted to," Sansonetti said. He said about eight to 10 of the 23 counties did hold straw polls. He said he talked to Republican officials in five counties that conducted straw polls. Romney won four and Texas Congressman Ron Paul won one, he said.The counties that took straw polls weren't required to turn in their numbers to the state party headquarters.

And more Romney election weirdness in Rhode Island, from EyeOn08.com:

Romney and Giuliani delegate operations fail in Rhode Island (1-10-08)
The Rhode Island Secretary of State just released
the list of filed delegates. Delegates then need to get signatures to get on the ballots. But… John McCain and Mike Huckabee filed 40 delegates. Fred Thompson 8. Mitt Romney 7. And Rudy Giuliani 0.
... The first one is that Romney’s delegate operation failed. They have the Governor, one of the delegates. The head of Students for Romney is one of the delegates. And that was all they could get.... This sounds like wheels coming off an organization.

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