Friday, November 2, 2007

Roche Bros. Supermarkets Violate Community Standards

Regarding our latest report on the Roche Bros. Supermarket chain, and its complicity in undermining traditional values in the Acton-Boxborough community through ticket sales for "The Laramie Project" -- we have a few more tidbits to add:

A little bird told us that the Roche family, owners of the supermarkets, are "devout" Catholics. We also heard rumors that the Archdiocese has no problems with "The Laramie Project" and that Acton's parish priest is a supporter of the high school production. (We are trying to confirm these rumors.) Hmm . . . Once again, we wonder when the Catholic Church will get its house in order. And our true conservative Catholic friends will understand that we speak out of total respect for orthodox Catholicism.

We also wonder why Roche Bros. management spoke with at least one MassResistance supporter who called (to complain about their ticket sales) about a particular family in Acton involved in the "Laramie" fiasco, without any knowledge of complicating factors in their lives. This was a hideous violation of privacy, and Roche Bros. management should apologize to that family. They know who we mean.

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