Monday, July 2, 2007

Gregg Jackson on Homofascism in Massachusetts

Gregg Jackson, talk show host on WRKO's "Pundit Review" (AM680), just published this column on the homofascist victory in Massachusetts. June 14 confirmed of the total corruption of the Massaachusetts Legislature. Whether one supported the weak marriage amendment voted on that day or not, 3/4 of our Legislators have betrayed Christian morality and common sense.

"Tyranny Rears Its Head: In the Birthplace of Liberty Gay Bullies Prove They Rule The Puritan State"
GrassTopsUSA Guest Commentary
By Gregg Jackson (7-2-07)

... The legislature's tyranny is more outrageous and destructive than what the colonists faced. Twenty days before July 4, 2007 your Cradle of Liberty became, officially, the Test Tube of Totalitarianism. The American Revolution began here in a revolt against a tyrannical monarchy. But now a New American Revolution has begun in the land of the Minutemen. The revolt against America's ultimate "founding Father," the Creator referenced throughout the Declaration of Independence occurred 36 hours before Fathers Day. Is that coincidence or design? Is it coincidence that it happened 20 days before the annual celebration of the birth of Democracy? Is it coincidence that just before the 4th of July, the city once called "The New Jerusalem" has become what Massachusetts' founders would call "The New Sodom?" ...

Puritan State lawmakers legalized lawlessness, brash rebellion against the man on whom Western Civilization bases time. Contrary to liberal theologians' repeated twisting of Scripture, Jesus never condoned homosexuality, as they do. Homosexuals are not exempt from the love of Jesus, but homosexual marriage mocks Him, God's law and all those who have died defending God's nation in the modern world.

The Cradle of Liberty is now the Cradle of American Fascism. Persecution of Christians is the next step. People who believe the Bible and don't accept the doctrine that homosexuality is normal and natural began years ago. Brian Camenker, the main Massachusetts critic of the gay agenda, has been viciously persecuted for years. His radio program was taken off the air a few weeks before the legislature's tyrannical vote. ... Funny. That's exactly what the communists do when they takeover a country: silence critics....

Read the whole article...

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