Sunday, June 3, 2007

Macy's Thinks Being "Gay" Means Holding Hands?

Top: Macy's offensive 2006 window display, before breasted male mannequins were removed due to our pressure (MassResistance photo). Bottom: Macy's 2007 window (Boston Herald photo).

So Macy's has toned it down its "celebration" of Pride Week in its display window in Downtown Crossing. But it's still there: the calendar, and a big pride flag.

Yesterday's Boston Herald reported that the GLBT community is still hurt by "something that was really painful for the community" --namely, by Macy's removal of its transgender mannequins from last year's window -- after our photograph appeared revealing the breasted men. Now the Herald is reporting that these were two "presumably 'gay' " mannequins, saying nothing about the odd breasts that made the window even more disturbing to normal people. More accurately, they were presumably transgendered mannequins. Why is the Herald engaging in this cover-up?

So to make it up to the GLBT community, Macy's is the lead sponsor of the AIDS Action Committee's walk today. And the Herald can report that Macy's has actually "stepped up it support" of Boston Pride. We guess the AIDS Action message they're sponsoring is still: "Go out and do it all. Have fun! Just use a condom -- if you remember; and get tested for HIV/AIDS -- if you're emotionally ready." This is how they plan to "stop the spread of AIDS."

See MassResistance's recent report on AIDS Action Committee -- and Mitt Romney's misguided donation to that organization.

Now if Macy's REALLY wants to stop the spread of AIDS (we thought their business was selling clothes?), maybe their window display should have some mannequins showing how to put on a condom properly, recommending the right lube, and sending a message about asking one's anonymous partner if he has HIV/AIDS before engaging in anal intercourse. Now who could be offended by that message? (No, Macy's, it's not just about hand-holding.)

See the Boston Herald: "Apologetic Macy’s supporting Pride" (6-2-07).

Macy’s has stepped up its support of Boston Pride Week this year, its first as presenting sponsor of tomorrow’s AIDS Walk Boston. The chain’s increased backing of the annual gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-gendered celebration follows what was considered a public relations debacle last year, when Macy’s bowed to an anti-gay group and removed presumably “gay” mannequins [or were they presumably transgendered?] from its Boston Pride window display at its Boston store. The CEO of Macy’s East later apologized for the move, blaming an “internal breakdown in communication.” This year, Macy’s allowed a Boston Pride Committee member to design the window display, which went up Thursday and depicts a silhouette of two men holding hands [so innocent and sweet] against a rainbow flag backdrop, a calendar of the week’s events and the words: “Macy’s celebrates Boston Pride 2007. Pride, united for equality.” ...

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