Friday, March 23, 2007

GLBT Anchor Babies

It's clear that children in GLBT-headed households are crucial to the argument for homosexual "marriage". They are the "anchor babies" for the movement. The radical homosexuals understood this long before any of us regular folks were paying attention. That's why they got adoption to homosexual couple "parents" OK'd back in the early 1990s.

Now we see a bill filed in the Mass. legislature this session to legalize homosexual "marriage" (which filing, by the way, proves that homosexual "marriage" is still not legal here) ... It's called: "An act to protect Mass. families through equal access to civil marriage" (H1710). If you've ever been to State House hearings, you'll appreciate their theatrical use of children as props for their "homosexual marriage" argument.

The emotional needs of the "parents" are paramount in such households. But the burdens placed on the children who don't know their biological parent, and who are lacking a parent of each sex [... yes -- there are only two sexes ...] are plastered over with phony studies about same-sex parents (or even single parents by choice) and their children.

(See our earlier posting, "The Pain of not knowing your biological parent.")

So when we see these two articles about labs catering to same-sex parents, it makes us cringe. This biotech intervention in baby-making is out of control.

"Clinics recruit surrogates to provide eggs for gay couples; Homosexuals can pay extra to choose the sex of their baby." (Focus on the Family, CitizenLink, 3-20-07) And if it's the wrong sex, abort!

"News in brief: Growing Generations hits 500-baby milestone" (Bay Windows, 3-22-07)

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