Sunday, November 12, 2006

Nightmare Books from a GLSEN Social Worker

Elementary story books to watch out for: These are Laura Perkins' recommendations for K-3 reading. She's the GLSEN radical activist employed by the Newton Public Schools as a "social worker" -- meaning she takes little children and indoctrinates them on transgenderism and transsexuality, and gives them nightmares.

See the
article by Tom Mountain in last week's Newton Tab: A 3rd-grade child's father is undergoing a sex-change operation; then the child will have two mommies! So a "teachable moment" just happened to come about, and the school social worker steps in. Her mission is to make the classmates to accept this bizarre situation. (If they have nightmares about the daddy's penis removal, they're "transphobic"!)

This is all done in the name of "equal rights," "diversity" and "safety." The GLBT activists' slogan is, "Your children are OUR children." -- they belong to the state, and in Massachusetts that now means GLBT activists.

It's amazing how that movement has co-opted legitimate concerns such as racial injustice or ethnic differences, and equated them with homosexuality and trans perversions beyond imagining. So there are also some perfectly fine books on this list, put to a twisted use. (It's the class discussions that are dangerous.) Here are just a few excerpts from
Laura's "social skills" reading list:

I Don't Want To! A child is able to change his negative feelings about trying new things, when he finds out he is actually enjoying school.
Oliver Button Is A Sissy A boy is teased by other boys because he takes dance classes, and doesn't participate in boyish activities. His classmates change their attitudes about him when they see what a good dancer he is. Great for discussions about gender issues, assumptions, and changing one's feelings about someone.
The Best Friend's Club A story about kids ganging up against someone, and about an individual being courageous enough to stand up for a friend. Great for discussions. Memorable.
Fat Fat Rose Marie A story about kids ganging up against someone, and about an individual being courageous enough to stand up for a friend. Great for discussions. Memorable.
Asha's Mums A girl with lesbian mothers is told by her teacher and a classmate that "You can't have two mums." Great for leading into discussion of fairness, respect, and the importance of understanding differences.
My Two Uncles A girl tells about her gay uncle and his partner. The story includes family tensions because the grandparents have a hard time accepting the relationship but at the end of the story are closer to accepting it than they were in the beginning.
Daddy's Roommate Good! Fun and upbeat, a boy tells about his gay fathers' relationship.

A Picture Book of Harriet Tubman An extraordinary life; a person of courage and resistance and continued activism. Important.
Gloria Goes to Gay Pride It is a celebratory day, but not without awareness of prejudice. Good for discussing fear of differences, and groups that have been discriminated against and persecuted.
How Would You Feel if Your Dad Was Gay? Good book addressing the issues of children whose parents are gay, and what the children have to face in school from peers and teachers.
Who's in a Family? About different kinds of families, and it does include gay families.

Richard Wright and the Library Card Based on a scene from Black Boy, this book tells the story of how Richard Wright gained access to the public library, where black people were not allowed in the earlier part of the 2Oth century, through the help of a co-worker. Again, a story of discrimination and resistance and alliance.
Families are Different Does not include gay or lesbian families, and the omission is a good vehicle for discussion.
Yoshiko and the Foreigner A Japanese woman falls in love with a US officer. Children love the struggles the officer has with the Japanese language. Great for discussing the difficulty of being in a country without knowing the language. A wonderful story about assumptions, being suspicious of people from different countries, respect for other people's cultures, accepting differences.

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