Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Romney Strong on Islamo-Fascists, Soft on Domestic Homo-Fascists

Gov. Romney did the right thing refusing to authorize a State Police escort for the Islamo-fascist former President of Iran. Romney strongly criticized Harvard University for inviting the former leader, and for believing "open dialogue" is possible with terrorists. To what extent this was motivated by his Presidential ambitions we'll never know.

Now if Romney is thinking clearly about his Presidential eligibility, he'd better start dealing with the domestic threat from the homo-fascists. As we've pointed out many times on this blog,
Romney is the true father of homosexual "marriage" in Massacusetts. Without his unconstitutional executive orders in 2004, the homosexual "marriages" would never have begun!

Does Romney believe in "open dialogue" with the cultural Marxists/Fascists who are out to destroy family structure and marriage? He seems to. His support of the homosexual agenda goes way back. He was endorsed in 1994 and 2002 by the Log Cabin Republicans (the homosexual extremist wing of that ridiculous "open tent" party). So not only does he "dialogue" with them, he gets their support!

Romney won't go far in the national Republican Presidential primaries (where the more conservative Republicans turn out) with his record as it now stands, having violated our state Constitution by issuing executive orders creating "Party A/Party B" marriage licenses, and ordering Justices of the Peace to perform sodomy "marriages." How can he salvage his resume? By acknowledging his grave error, and issuing a few corrective executive orders before he leaves office.

Adam Reilly of the Boston Phoenix called this one of Romney's "greatest gaffes":

[Romney] likes gay people: In 1994, while running against Ted Kennedy for the US Senate, Romney assures the Massachusetts Log Cabin Republicans that “as we seek to establish full equality for America’s gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent.” (Remember, that opponent is Ted Kennedy. Romney gets the endorsement.) During his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney operatives distribute bright-pink fliers at Boston’s gay-pride festival that read: “Mitt and Kerry wish you a great Pride weekend! All citizens deserve equal rights, regardless of their sexual preference.” Two years later, during his speech at the Republican National Convention, Romney likens the threat from same-sex marriage to the menace of Islamist terrorism.

And here's what Michigan conservatives said in September 2005:

“[Massachusetts Gov. Mitt] Romney is also finding new detractors. Many are coming from the conservative wing of his own party — just the voters he needs for a primary win. They see Romney as soft on core social issues like abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research and emergency contraception. …Gary Glenn, president of the…American Family Association (of Michigan), said Romney’s recent attempts to appeal to conservative voters is too little, too late. ‘Whether their name is Kennedy or Kerry or Romney, a liberal, pro-abortion, pro-gay rights politician from Massachusetts is not going to fare well among conservative, pro-family voters,’ Glenn said.”

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