Saturday, April 29, 2006

Shame on Mass. Republicans

From MassResistance's reporter at the state Republican convention today, Saturday, April 29.

The Massachusetts Republican Party is at its weakest ever. This is because they are not Republicans any more. Shame on the party leadership. They have clearly joined the Culture of Death, proclaiming their pro-abortion stance -- even celebrating it at a cocktail party! And the state committee allowed sodomy "marriage" advocates to have an information table at Saturday's state party convention.

MassEquality passing out its propaganda at a Republican convention!? Bad enough that in 2004, Republican candidates were instructed to avoid the issue of homosexual "marriage". But now the party is apparently welcoming MassEquality's message. No -- a party convention is not a free speech zone. Exhibitors should be in accord with the principles of the party. Does the Massachusetts Republican Party now officially support homosexual "marriage"?! We'll have to check on this...

Planned Parenthood also had a table at the convention. And at the end of the day on Saturday, "Republicans for Choice" threw a cocktail reception. Here's the flyer that was circulating:

Immediately following the Republican Convention
Join the Massachusetts Coalition for Choice at the kick-off event for the
Keynote Speaker: Lieutenant Governor and Gubernatorial Candidate Kerry Healey
Other Speakers:
Lieutenant Governor Candidate Reed Hillman
Darlee Crockett, National Co-chair of Planned Parenthood Republicans for Choice
SATURDAY APRIL 29th 2006, 2pm (or end of convention if later) Brewery exchange, 3rd floor Playloft: 201 Cabot St. in Lowell
- light hors d'oeuvres served - cash bar
Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey
Lieutenant Governor Candidate Reed Hillman
Governor William F. Weld
Governor Argeo Paul Cellucci
The Honorable Jane Swift
Darlee Crockett, national Co-chair, Planned Parenthood Republicans for Choice
Massachusetts State Senator Brian Lees
Massachusetts State Senator Richard Tisei
Massachusetts State Rep0resentative Karyn Polito
Massachusetts State Representative Mary Rogeness
Massachusetts State Representative Sue Pope
Massachusetts State Representative Virginia Coppola
The Honorable Jody Dow
The Honorable Patrick Guerriero
Sarah Chamberlain Resnick, Executive Director of the Republican Mainstreet Partnership
Jonathan Stevens, Public Policy Director of the Republican Mainstreet Partnership
Ann Blackham, Ann Murphy, Bill Saltonstall, Jenny Armini, Lucile P. Hicks, Lyman Wood, Nancy J. Luther, Polly Logan, William Sawyer

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