Monday, February 27, 2006

Deval Patrick: Bible Says No, but I Say It's Not That Important

Will the black community be deceived a second time about the importance of traditional marriage to their society's health?

In the 1960's, the poorer communities in America -- but especially urban blacks -- were misled by liberal-socialist-progressives into the belief that traditional marriage was optional. Great Society welfare programs would be daddy to their offspring. The resulting societal meltdown, especially in urban black communities, is not news.

But certain politicians, including Democrat candidate for Governor Deval Patrick, still don't seem to see the connection between devaluing traditional marriage and the violence on the streets. And people like Patrick are trying to sell blacks another bill of goods -- that there's no harm and a lot of good in recognizing same-sex "marriage". Why, it's a "civil right"!

How many direct hits can black society sustain? Why are some black church leaders accepting Deval as their candidate, even while acknowledging that homosexual "marriage" is contrary to the Bible? Some say that it is only one issue, and not the most important. (Though Bishop Gilbert Thompson, president of the Black Ministerial Alliance in Boston, has been critical of Patrick for favoring homosexual "marriage".)

Rev. William E. Dickerson II welcomed Patrick to worship service at his Greater Love Tabernacle Church in Dorchester yesterday. The
Boston Globe reports:

Patrick is trying to persuade black voters to look past a possible disagreement over gay rights so they can talk about crime, unemployment, and other issues.

''I know what Scripture says about homosexuality, and who am I as a Christian to question what Scripture says?" Patrick told yesterday's audience.

''But . . . the point is that while we debate gay marriage, there are people struggling to pay the rent and the heat in the same month, and we have got to pay attention to that."

Can Patrick really convince this audience to ignore the elephant in the room?

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