Saturday, December 3, 2005

Chief Justice Marshall's Ethical Violations Are No Joke

Why can't the Boston Globe ever get to the real story about Chief Justice Marshall's ethical violations?

Today we see a perfect example of the Boston Globe's bias. They try to look like they're being fair and balanced, with a page-one story on SJC Chief Justice Margaret Marshall's stupid political joke at the Brandeis commencement last spring. Seems someone filed a complaint that she made a "political" statement. But it's really a trivial incident, which proves only that she's not the brightest bulb in the Commonwealth.

Now if you read all the way to the end of this article, you come to a quote from Brian Camenker of Article 8 Alliance. Brian tried to focus the reporter on the REAL story -- he spelled it out in detail for the Globe reporter -- but of course the Globe let it go. They quoted only part of what Brian said:

Brian Camenker, director of Article 8 Alliance, a Waltham group founded to remove Marshall and the other three justices who legalized same-sex marriage, said her remark was ''pretty undignified." But it was insignificant compared to her actions on the court, he said. ''I don't think I would have complained about a remark like that in light of everything else," he said.

The curious reader would wonder what "everything else" refers to. But you'll never learn this from the Boston Globe!

The serious ethical violation committed by Empress Margaret was her appearance as keynote speaker at the Mass. Lesbian and Gay Bar Association annual dinner in May 1999, when she made it clear that she favored the extension of homosexual "rights". This clearly included homosexual "marriage". [The Mass. Lesbian & Gay Bar Assoc. still proudly posts their newsletter covering this event, complete with photo of Marshall standing before their banner.] She later wrote the decision that forced homosexual "marriage" on the Commonwealth (Goodridge, Nov. 18, 2003).

Here are her significant violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct that the Boston Globe REFUSES to report: Judges may not appear as keynote speakers at any organization's dinner, and they must not rule on issues on which they have a clear bias or have taken a public stand. But Empress Margaret did both. Article 8 Alliance even held a press conference at the State House in April 2004 on her ethical violations. BUT NOT ONE STORY RESULTED IN THE MASSACHUSETTS OR NATIONAL MAINSTREAM MEDIA.

And still, the Boston Globe ignores this highly significant story, even though Brian just had a conversation with their reporter! Hundreds of formal complaints were filed in 2004 concerning Marshall's clear violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct.

We understand the Globe is compromised, but why have the Governor and Legislature let this pass? On the basis of these ethical violations alone, Empress Margaret should be forced to resign!

The Bill of Address has been filed (H652) to remove the tyrannical SJC4. We wish the press -- and our elected officials -- had the courage to pay attention.

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