Sunday, September 18, 2005

"Anti-Bullying" and the Homosexual Agenda

Openly "gay" state senator Jarrett Barrios of Cambridge (in a sodomite "marriage" with Democrat political consultant Doug Hattaway) is behind another homosexual propaganda vehicle, cleverly disguised as legislation to "stop bullying in our schools." (No, we'll never forget those days when we used to hide out in the restroom at lunchtime because the other kids made fun of our hand-me-down clothing. But we learned a lot from that, and we did get over it.)

The Boston Globe reported a few days ago that "Teens, lawmakers push antibully bill; Measure would force schools to help protect the vulnerable." :

"Called the Safe Schools Act, the proposed legislation would require schools statewide to enact strict policies to prevent bullying. ''Teachers don't do enough sometimes,' [student] Lopez testified before the Joint Education Committee. 'Sometimes they just acted like it wasn't their business.'

"Proposed by Senator Jarrett T. Barrios, a Cambridge Democrat, the measure would require schools statewide to formalize policies for detecting bullying and meting out punishment. The bill would also call for schools to designate one staff member to implement the plan, which Barrios said would be enforced by the state Department of Education."

A friend of MassResistance comments:

It's pretty obvious what is really going on here. Just look at who is pushing it. The final bill will surely mention something about sexual orientation and gender identity.

After it is passed (and not before), someone will claim: "My child is being teased because he/she has two mothers and no father." "Heather has Two Mommies" etc. must be made mandatory reading for all kindergarten kids so they will understand this a perfectly normal situation....

A boy, who considers himself a girl, will wear a dress to school (just to assert "her" civil rights) and "hurtful" comments will be heard (or made up).

You know the routine.

A Google check on "GLSEN + bullying" confirms that this is indeed a new strategic ploy by the radical gays to have even more opportunities to force their viewpoint on helpless schoolchildren, and intimidate any parents who might object to perversion in the schools. For instance, our favorite local "gay" rag, Bay Windows, reported in 2002:

GLSEN changes focus toward rampant in-school bullying, by Peter Cassels, 6-13-02:

For the next three years, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) will focus all of its energies on making bullying a thing of the past in America's schools. Building on the success in the seven years since its founding in such activities as forming gay-straight alliances (GSAs) in high schools, GLSEN announced June 4 that its board of directors has adopted a strategic plan to involve hundreds of teachers, students, parents, allied organizations such as teachers unions and grassroots leaders. The plan goes into effect July 1.

The organization's new direction was prompted, officials say, by the results of its 2001 National School Climate Survey (NSCS). The only national study of LGBT students' high school experiences, the survey found that 84 percent of them routinely hear anti-gay comments like "faggot" and "dyke" at school. Further, 82 percent reported that teachers and staff "never" or only "sometimes" intervene when they witness the use of such language. More than eight out of 10 LGBT high school students eventually experience verbal, physical or sexual harassment at school, the survey found. In a statement, GLSEN Executive Director Kevin Jennings called its three-year plan to target bullying, name-calling and harassment of LGBT students "a defining moment for the safe schools movement in America."

Besides striving to make bullying unacceptable, GLSEN will urge educators to create schools in which every student, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can fully participate in academic and extracurricular activities and will work to see that the federal government's education agenda includes LGBT issues.

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